If George Orwell and Laurie Lee were to return from the Spanish Civil War
today, they would be arrested under Section 5 of the Terrorism Act
2006. If convicted of fighting abroad with a “political, ideological,
religious or racial motive”, a charge they would find hard to contest,
they would face a maximum sentence of life in prison. That they were
fighting to defend an elected government against a fascist rebellion
would have no bearing on the case. They would go down as terrorists.
Skriver George Monbiot i the Guardian
Orwell venstre, Bhatti til høyre.
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2 kommentarer:
Verden er full av folk som har gjort tåpelige ting i ungdommen. Bhatti er dog unntaket som gikk fra bæsj til verre.
Øøøhh, poenget var ikke at Orwell gjorde noe tåpelig.
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