Etter 22.juli lovte Fjordman (aka Peder Jensen) at han skulle holde seg unna tastaturet. Men nei, abstinensen ble nok for sterk. Han kommer rett nok ikke med noe nytt, det er bare en resirkulering av den samme gamle paranoiaen som legitimerte ABBs udåd:
Many ordinary citizens, when witnessing our so-called leaders supporting our enemies, wonder whether Western political elites have lost their grip on reality. What are they trying to achieve with such stupid and suicidal policies? Why do they want to export democracy to Islamic countries, even if this brings radical organizations with hostile agendas to power, at the same time as the democratic system is being de facto abolished in Europe by the European Union?
My personal view is that the cultural, economic and especially immigration policies currently promoted by the ruling elites throughout virtually the entire Western world are harmful to the long-term interests of the European peoples who created this civilization. One fundamental question that has been hotly debated on the Internet by dissident writers is whether this trend is entirely accidental, and exclusively reflects the purely impersonal forces of technological globalization, or whether there is also a purpose and a plan behind some of these changes.
I believe that there is also an intentional plan of breaking down Western nation-states behind this trend. This is demonstrated by the statements of some key actors, by the all-pervasive (in the Western world at least) indoctrination with non-European “diversity” as well as by the systematic demonization and ridicule of all traditional practices, cultural symbols and national flags. The arguments, or rather lies, presented in favor of continued mass immigration and Multiculturalism are remarkably similar in all Western countries, too similar to be entirely coincidental.
Dette er åpenbart ført i pennen av relativt intelligent mann som behersker en relativt avansert engelsk. For alt jeg vet er Peder en velstelt, hyggelig mann, rent privat. Det er derfor særlig nedslående at han bruker talentet sitt på å spre denne giftige søppla. Fremstillingen er snedig: Det er elitene som dolker vanlige folk i ryggen, bare "dissidentene" (underforstått Fjordman & Co) har gjennomskuet den onde konspirasjonen og tar til motmæle.
2 kommentarer:
Unger herr Pedersen er sikkert nok både velstelt og kanskje også høflig, for alt jeg vet. Men du verden så vondt han lukter.
De har diktet opp et underlig verdensbilde. Fjordman og forsåvidt også ABB fremstilles som "dissidenter", omtrent som dissidentene i Øst-Europa før 1990. Eliten har kontrollen og fører folk flest bak lyset. Da blir det helt klart noe heroisk over Fjordmans virksomhet, ja ABBs også.
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