lørdag 12. mai 2012

Fjordmans apartheid

Kultur og sivilisasjon er kodet i genene mener Fjordman (Peder Jensen), raseblanding vil nødvendigvis føre til ødeleggelse av kulture. Rasene bør altså holdes adskilt i hver sine territorier (Gates of Viennas, 2.mai 2011):

History has shown us, for instance in Latin America or in parts of Central Asia, that once the European genetic percentage drops below a certain threshold, the resulting population neither looks nor acts like Europeans. Experience also tells us that if two or more different populations inhabit the same land, they will eventually mix. In combination, this means that the only way European civilization can flourish in the long run is if we have large territories specifically dedicated for people who are overwhelmingly of demographic European stock. In those cases where this has been lost it needs to be reestablished. Ideas matter, but culture primarily follows genes.

Bjørn Stærk prøver i et krampeaktig forsøk på å bagatellisere høyreekstremismen å "bevise" at ABB er helt enestående mye mer skrullete enn Fjordman & Co. Selv synes jeg Fjordmans ideer også er temmelig skrullete.

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