torsdag 27. oktober 2011

- Muslimer og sosialister har ansvaret for 22/7

Ja, det synes å være Manfred Gerstenfelds perspektiv, han skriver:

The logical approach to the issue of attributing ideological responsibilities
for inciting to kill should start with those who make the strongest direct calls for murder. The dominant environment for people with such world views is in a number of Muslim societies. According to a study in 2009 by the Pew Research Institute, at least 150 million Muslims were confident that Osama bin Laden was doing the right thing in world affairs.
Being present at places where murder is promoted directly or indirectly is more frequent among European socialists and other leftists. During the 2008-2009 Gaza war, Norwegian Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen, leader of the Socialist Left Party, took part in an anti-Israel demonstration where shouts of “Death to the Jews” were heard.
Blant alle skrudde resonnement er dette et lavmål (om mulig verre enn Bruce Bawers søppel). Halvorsen var til stede ved en demonstrasjon der det ble ropt "død over jødene", altså har Halvorsen ansvaret for ABBs ugjerning.

If Gerstenfeld's intention is to be named greatest idiot 2011, he has certainly submitted a very strong application.

2 kommentarer:

Sosialisten sa...

Men du var verken muslim eller sosialist så du stod ikkje opp for dei...

Men det gjorde du jo. Takk for det.

Konrad sa...

Nå har dessverre Gerstenfeld rett i at det finnes en del anti-semittisme på yttre venstre, men det har overhode ingenting med saken å gjøre.