fredag 10. juli 2009

Akademisk frihet vant i irsk domstol

Irish federation of university teachers vant i vår en seier i arbeidsretten. Taperen er ærverdige Trinity College i Dublin. Dommen innebærer at en advarsel som Trinity har gitt til en av sine forskere skal trekkes tilbake. Forskeren ble straffet for å ha vegret seg for å følge en beslutning ledelsen hadde tatt angående hans forskning.

University World News skriver om saken:

"It began in September 2007 when his professor issued new procedures to all
academics in his area regarding reporting to him on their research, where and
how their research should be published, and the seminars they would have to give
to explain it. This was seen as a fundamentally significant directive because,
although all academics are obliged by their contracts to engage in research,
there had not been any 'line management' type of control which would encroach on
their freedom regarding their choice of research and where they published their

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