mandag 8. august 2011

Myten om den ensomme ulv

The report includes case studies of nearly 40 individuals holding far-right political views who have been convicted for serious violence or terrorist offences. It concludes that they were motivated, and obtained the knowledge and means to carry out their acts, through dangerous, far-right networks that introduced them to a perverse ideological world. The report demonstrates conclusively that far-right terrorists are not lone wolves but are connected with a number of insidious organisations.

Hele rapporten om høyreradikale voldsmenn i UK kan lastes ned gratis (PDF i høyre marg).

1 kommentar:

Erling Skakke sa...

Ulven er et flokkdyr. Uttrykket "ensom ulv" er derfor en kontradiksjon i termer, eller refererer til et individ som er utstøtt av flokken. Men ABB tutet vel i høy grad med de andre hvalpene.